I’ve made a little progress tonight. I now have a very basic scene of a character walking around. He is animated, although animations aren’t implemented for all 4 directions, so if you’re moving at all it show a “walking left” animation, and when you stop the character idles looking south, regardless of what direction you were walking when you stopped. It’s very rough, but it’s a start. I have created a very basic map of Alliston using Tiled, and the game shows multiple layers with one being dedicated for collisions. Collisions work, although the way they work right now is rough and disorganized. I’m still enjoying CreateJS. I’ve been reminded once again that I’m no artist. I’ll spend some time in the near future watching and studying some Youtube videos on creating pixel art. Hopefully I can get to a point where I can create decent looking placeholder assets, and who knows? Maybe one day I’ll have a fun game that people are interested in and I can hire an actual artist to recreate all the sprites and tiles. For now, I’m just happy with a goofy little guy wandering around on screen, not being able to walk right through the bushes.