Broken record


I’m fully aware that my pattern over the last several years of trying to create a game is very cyclical: I get all jazzed up, try to make something in THREE, hit a roadblock, punt and decide to use Godot, then give up because I find some nit-picky thing about Godot that isn’t just perfect for me.  Well no more!  I have hit step 4 in which I decide to use Godot, but this time I’m sticking with it.  My issue always seems to be the load time for the engine.  I much prefer THREE because it loads basically instantaneously, but THREE is a graphics library, not a game engine, so if I want all the very nice game engine features that Godot has, I simply have to accept the fact that loading the wasm file is going to take a minute.  At least when a user visits the site for the first time.  After that the file will be cached and the game should load in just a few seconds.

I don’t have an exported version of the game yet but I’ve been able to get some very basic functionality up and running very quickly in Godot.  I have a test scene just to show some nice assets loaded in, and a terrain scene with some very poorly drawn grass. 

The character controller is shockingly easy to set up and use now with the right plugin, but I did have to modify the input to work with the keyboard the way I want it to.

I’m trying to stay focused and work on very small, very accomplishable goals for now and hopefully that will add up to something worth having eventually.  I’ll try to get a new version out this weekend.  I would like to have a way for the player to transition between the test scene and the terrain scene, so if I can figure that out I will put it out as a v0.00.001 and that will be a decent starting point.

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