Since the game is at a point where there is at least something to do, even if it’s just walk around a small little section of the world, I’m going to start focusing the features implemented in each release with the intention of releasing at least one new version of the game each week. The primary focus of the next release will be interaction with enemies. Here are the goals for that release, in order of importance:
- Create one or more zones where enemies will remain and respawn
- Make enemies turn so that they are facing the way they are moving
- Update the wandering algorithm
- Enemies shouldn’t move at every single update
- Each enemy needs to decide whether to move and, if so, where it wants to move, then this movement should be carried out over a number of updates so that the movement speed is normal for the enemy
I think this is a good list for a release next Sunday. If I get it done faster I will release v00004 whenever that happens.