The changelog and latest version of the game can always be found here.
Current Version: v0.00.003 (2022.12.14)
Changes since last release:
- Walk onto the weird white tile to enter a battle (with no actual battle content. Also, there’s no way back.)
This is a totally incomplete list of features I need to implement in the game, in no particular order. I’ll add to this list as I go along, and remove items from it as I get them done.
- Load/save games
- Account login
- Dialog
- NPCs
- Battle system
- Stat system
- Artwork
- Player character animations
- Maps/tilesets
- Enemy animations
- Transitions between scenes
- State system
Older Versions:
Changes since last release:
- Player character isn’t a bush
- Background art with autotiled path
Changes since last release:
- Initial release
- Move around a bush